30 Pretty Carousel Tattoos You Can Copy

The carousel looks very beautiful, but it's chasing and waiting. It's a distance that can never be touched. People sitting on the Trojan horse circle after circle, only to see each other's backs, although very close, but can not touch. Whether it's chasing or waiting, there is always a distance between two people. As a matter of fact, you just need to accelerate, but the horse below is to keep this speed.

Some people say that the carousel is a love game, witnessing two people in love. As long as two lovers sit on the merry go round at the same time, the merry go round will take them to a perfect heaven, and their love will last forever. The carousel is a love game to witness two people who love each other. As long as two people who really love each other sit on the carousel at the same time, the carousel will take them to a perfect heaven, and their love will last forever.

30 Pretty Carousel Tattoos You Can Copy

Source: @jianzhangjie_tattoo