30 Beautiful Cowgirl Tattoos for Your Inspiration

Whether it's the artistic American Westerns or the real westward process, Cowgirls are rarely mentioned. As a matter of fact, Cowgirls are an indispensable part of the development of the western region of the United States. They not only bear the same hard physical work as men, but also bear the extremely conservative social pressure at that time.

Western style Cowgirls must have Cowgirl hats. These hats come in black, brown, brown and white. Some are decorated with medals, turquoise or woven fabrics. The American Cowgirl hat originated from the Mexican Cowgirl who often wear a kind of felt hat called "sterson" style wide brim high top. The top of the hat is concave, while the brims of the two sides are slightly upturned. The evolution and diversity of Cowgirl hats can be seen in western movies.

30 Beautiful Cowgirl Tattoos for Your Inspiration

Source: @crownink.tattoo