30 Excellent Gambling Tattoos You Must Love

Gambling seriously damages the body. People who are obsessed with playing cards and gambling money try every means to get together card friends. Once they gamble, they don't finish. The winner still wants to win. The loser doesn't admit defeat, doesn't want to study, doesn't want to work, can't study, and doesn't work. Some people "spin" during the day and night, are highly excited and extremely nervous, so that some suddenly die at the card table.

Gambling induces crime. Winners have money and spend freely; Losers run out of money and are often heavily in debt. Often gambling will also be stained with bad habits such as smoking, drinking, stealing, lying and fighting. Some even take risks to pay off gambling debts and carry out criminal acts such as fraud, robbery, injury and murder. Therefore, criminologists often regard gambling as an important inducement for crimes.

30 Excellent Gambling Tattoos You Must Love

Source: @crtattooist