30 Elegant Pear Tattoos You Can Copy

Pear belongs to the dicotyledonous plant class of Angiospermae, Rosaceae and apple subfamily. The leaves are mostly oval, and the size varies with different varieties. The meaning of pear tattoo is the meaning of separation, which is derived from the homophony of pear pronunciation. It has the meaning of separation, departure, isolation and separation. From a psychological point of view, it is a feeling that people's mood will suddenly fall from high to low.

Pear is more adaptable to the external environment than apple. It is resistant to cold, drought, waterlogging and saline alkali. Pear fruit is usually used for eating. It is not only delicious, juicy, sweet and sour, but also nutritious. It contains a variety of vitamins and cellulose. Different kinds of pears have completely different tastes and textures. Pears can be eaten raw or cooked.

In terms of medical efficacy, pears can pass constipation, facilitate digestion, and are also good for cardiovascular system. In the folk, pears also have a kind of curative effect. Remove the core of pears, put rock sugar in them, and eat them after cooking to stop coughing; In addition to being eaten as fruit, pears can also be used for viewing.

30 Elegant Pear Tattoos You Can Copy

Source: @lucid.invitation