30 Pretty Seed of life Tattoos You Must Love

"Seed of life" is the contemporary name of ancient geometry, which is composed of seven overlapping circles with the same diameter. Six of them are regularly spaced in the seventh, forming a rosette with 18 lenticular Petals: six smaller petals are inside and 12 larger petals are outside.

The two names "seed of life" and "flower of life" are modern, promoted by the author Drunvalo Melchizedek in his workshops and books on sacred geometry since the mid-1980s. He owes these teachings to his angel mentor and a spiritual mentor related to Thoth, the Egyptian god, who is a patron of communication, wisdom and science.

The seeds of life are easy to build with a compass. Make a circle. Measure the circle with a compass to keep the same diameter. Create a second circle and place its outer edge in the center of the first circle. Make the third circle and aim at the two circles. Then continue this pattern until you return to the original circle.

30 Pretty Seed of life Tattoos You Must Love

Source: @ash_xenoink