30 Classy Stained Glass Tattoos You Can Copy

The windows of the church are mysterious. When the flower windows open to the sky, the light will become colorful, setting off the flickering of indoor candles. The paintings and sculptures of the church make the saints feel like they are in the light and shadow of the divine realm, and the believers will enter the human shadow of a beautiful country. They have a little understanding of the stained glass flower windows in the church.

In some magnificent cathedrals, you can always see the architectural art revealed by the appearance. There are tens of thousands of large and small churches in France. Among many Gothic churches, the most classic and unforgettable is their flower window art, such as the stained glass in Chartres Cathedral, which is one of the most well preserved cathedrals.

30 Classy Stained Glass Tattoos You Can Copy

Source: @aaronjamesgrime