30 Elegant Bamboo Tattoos You Can Copy

Although bamboo is only a kind of plant, its status should not be underestimated. Bamboo is not only a member of the "four gentlemen", but also a member of the "three durable plants of winter". It is deeply loved by the literati. Its status can be described as rising again and again. Nowadays, people no longer insist on singing the praises of bamboo with poetry, but use tattoos to give bamboo a deeper meaning.

The branches of bamboo are straight and slender. Even in the winter when the wind is blowing, they still stand upright in the snow. They bend but don't break. They keep breaking. This upright attitude is deeply loved by Chinese people. Bamboo is hollow, a symbol of modesty, on behalf of open-minded character. Bamboo, which has been specially cared for by scholars, is not only tenacious and fearless of wind and rain, but also has so much integrity, which is admirable.

30 Elegant Bamboo Tattoos You Can Copy

Source: @himelilt