30 Pretty Book Tattoos You Must Try

A book is an immortal soul, a book may be an era, a nation, a period of history. Therefore, the book is the symbol of meaning greater than time and space, and the book is the symbol of the immortal human spirit. For those who are associated with books, his spiritual life is born in all things, because it is the quintessence of human lofty thought that is greater than the world and eternal in the world.

From the perspective of human spiritual significance, books are spiritual, you can not know who they are, but when you read his books, you will enter his spiritual world. No matter he is alive or dead, his spiritual world will live forever because of books! In a word, the book is the author for his immortal soul to build the coexistence of heaven and earth.

30 Pretty Book Tattoos You Must Try

Source: @icarustattoos