30 Beautiful Camel Tattoos You Can Copy

Camel is a boat in the desert. It is the only animal in the desert that can find water. With unremitting spirit of hard work, the tattooed camel naturally represents perseverance and a long way to go. Camels are very loyal to people. They are different from other animals. Camels are very hungry and thirsty. People can ride camels across the desert. Camel is also known as "the boat of the desert".

There is fat stored in the hump of the camel. When the camel can't get food, the fat can be decomposed into the nutrients needed by the camel's body for its survival. Camels can not eat for four or five days in a row because of the fat in the hump. In addition, there are many small bubbles in the shape of bottles in the camel's stomach, where the camel stores water. The water in these "bottles" makes the camel's life safe even if he doesn't drink water for a few days.

Camel, head is small, neck thick long, body is tall. Camel has three stomachs, one of which has many bottle shaped bubbles to store water. Camel can endure hunger and thirst. Fat is stored in hump, which can be decomposed into nutrients for camel's survival when food is not available. It has thick skin to adapt to desert walking. Camels can live for two weeks without water and for a month without food. Their average life span is 30 to 50 years.

30 Beautiful Camel Tattoos You Can Copy

Source: @rotem.neeman.tattoo