30 Elegant Chakra Tattoos to Inspire You

In the concept of Indian yoga, chakra refers to the energy center distributed in all parts of the human body, especially those arranged on the central axis of the body from the tailbone to the top of the head. Indian philosophy holds that chakra exists in the body and is in charge of the operation of the body and mind. In the physical aspect, it is related to the function of various organs; In terms of psychology, it has an impact on emotion and spirit.

Chakra is closely related to color. From bottom to top, it corresponds to seven colors of rainbow (actually rainbow six colors and white), and then derives color therapy. It means to use color energy (light) to naturally treat the body and mind in life, give physical and psychological comfort and return to a balanced state of health.

30 Elegant Chakra Tattoos to Inspire You

Source: @btntattoo