30 Great Chili Tattoos You Must Try

Chili tattoo means harvest and delicious. Chili, as the most common dish on many people's table, has been deeply loved by many people. There are countless delicacies made with Chili as the main or auxiliary material in the world. It conquers people's taste buds with its unique delicacy. Almost regardless of North and south, people regardless of age, people can't refuse the taste enjoyment it brings us.

As a vegetable, Chili is not only delicious, but also has a very high appearance value. The Chili just grown in early summer is incomparably green, giving people a fresh and tender visual feeling. When everything began to wither in the late autumn, it turned into a bright red, bringing people infinite harvest joy.

30 Great Chili Tattoos You Must Try

Source: @bora_tatu