30 Elegant Four Leaf Clover Tattoos You Can Copy

Speaking of four leaf clover, many people know that it is a beautiful lucky grass. After all, there is only one four leaf clover among hundreds of thousands of plants, so it is called lucky grass. Similarly, four leaf clover also represents happiness, which is a commonly used gift between lovers. Four leaf clover is a beautiful plant. Although it is not a flower, it has the same beauty as a flower.

There is a beautiful legend about four leaf clover! Once upon a time, there was a pair of lovers who really loved each other and lived in a beautiful peach forest together, but they were uncomfortable and refused to give in to each other because of a very small thing. Finally one day, the God of love couldn't see it anymore. She floated to the peach forest where they lived and quietly lied: tell them that all parties will be in trouble. Only finding the four leaf clover in the deepest part of the peach forest can save them.

After listening, they pretended to be indifferent, but they were still worried about each other. It rained that night, it was a rainstorm, but they still secretly went to the deepest part of the peach forest for each other. When they knew that each other cared about themselves, they were so moved that they decided to let the four leaf clover witness their love, and the God of love smiled... It was a joke made by the God of love, Because she doesn't want to make happiness too easy. Only those who care about and cherish each other deserve happiness. Therefore, four leaf clover is a witness of love.

30 Elegant Four Leaf Clover Tattoos You Can Copy

Source: @barim_tattooart