30 Unique Metatron Tattoos You Can Copy

Through Metatron cube, we can understand the root of all things and the origin of the world. Many other shapes can also be found in these cubes, including the two-dimensional plane mode of pentahedron. In the early Kabbala literature, Metatron presumably formed a cube from his soul.

The Metatron cube was later seen in Christian art, appearing on his chest or moving behind him. Metatron's cube is also considered a sacred relief. It often comes out around an object or person to block the power of devil and evil. This thought is also reflected in alchemy. The cube also has talent, just like the circle of containment or the circle of creation.

The easiest way to create a Metatron cube is to start with a cube, flatten it along a diagonal, pass through its center, so that it becomes a two-dimensional figure, divide it into equal parts through its own diagonal, and enter six equilateral triangles. The highest point of this two-dimensional figure is then connected with another line. After a few steps, the entire Metatron cube is formed.

30 Unique Metatron Tattoos You Can Copy

Source: @rafaelfigini