30 Excellent Samurai Tattoos to Inspire You

Japanese tattoo occupies a very important position in the field of tattoo in the world. It is not only Japanese tattoo style, but also Japanese theme tattoos. For example, Prajna tattoos, Japanese samurai tattoos. Recently, many people want to know what the meaning of Japanese samurai tattoo pattern is. Let's explain it here today.

Japanese samurai is a unique culture originated in Japan. In Japanese, samurai means waiter and personal entourage. They are loyal to their master. Japanese samurai also have a unique bushido spirit, that is, loyalty, mind and shame.

Today, Japanese samurai is also a very distinctive tattoo material. Such a tattoo material is also loved by many tattoo lovers, especially male tattoo lovers. Perhaps in the hearts of many people, the tattoo of Japanese samurai is not only a symbol of loyalty and courage, but also the spirit of samurai sword in walking.

30 Excellent Samurai Tattoos to Inspire You

Source: @thedanschuster