30 Elegant Tape Tattoos You Must Love

Although I don't listen to tapes now, those tapes I bought in the past are still neatly placed in the bookcase. And the tape recorder. I really don't want to throw it away. When I see them, I will think of those times. Every tape is a memory. Memories can't be bought with money. And this feeling can't be given to us in the digital age. Many people like to tattoo tapes on their bodies. Maybe they just want to keep their memories on their bodies forever. Today, come with me to see these memory filled tape tattoos.

Tape is the memory of many people when they were young, the tape of pop music and the tape of children's school. It seems that tape is the symbol of a certain era and carries a lot of happy memories. Although these have gradually faded into our lives with the development of the times, these good memories will still be remembered in our hearts.

30 Elegant Tape Tattoos You Must Love

Source: @erica.true