30 Unique Tornado Tattoos You Need to Copy

Tornado is the most intense vortex phenomenon in the atmosphere. It often occurs in summer thunderstorm weather, especially from afternoon to evening. Although the influence range is small, it has great destructive power.

Tornadoes often pull up big trees, overturn vehicles and destroy buildings where they pass. They often destroy crops and trees in an instant, interrupt traffic, collapse houses and cause loss of human and animal lives and economy.

The horizontal range of tornadoes is very small, ranging from a few meters to several hundred meters in diameter, with an average of about 250 meters and a maximum of about 1 km. In the air, the diameter can be several thousand meters, with a maximum of 10 kilometers. The maximum wind speed can reach 150 km to 450 km per hour, and the duration of tornado is generally only a few minutes, but the longest is only a few minutes.

30 Unique Tornado Tattoos You Need to Copy

Source: @rozitattoo