30 Gorgeous Triskelion Tattoos For Your Next Ink

Triskelion, a famous Celtic symbol, represents the concept of completion and progress. This symbol looks like a three legged wheel. According to the meaning of the first derivative, triskelion represents action, cycle, progress, revolution and competition. In short, triskelion represents a sense of progress.

Triskelion refers to an object composed of three legs. It is also the name of a symbol in Sicily. The symbol of the Isle of man is also a pattern composed of three legs, which is surprisingly similar to the triskelion. The symbol of triple helix or triskelion was found by Celts and former Celts in some Irish boulders and Neolithic sites. In the interior of the new Grange Gallery tomb, some road edge stones on the entrance stones and around the cemetery are the most prominent.

30 Gorgeous Triskelion Tattoos For Your Next Ink

Source: @sweetinkdelft