20 Cool Matador Tattoos You Can Copy

The meaning of bullfighter tattoo is brave and noble art. In Spain, bullfighting is regarded as a noble art, and matador is highly respected. The red and yellow national flags have implied meanings: red represents blue blood, yellow represents yellow sand, and blue blood and yellow sand symbolize the bullfight that the Spanish love. The history of bullfighting can be traced back to ancient Spain, and it has been nearly a thousand years.

Spanish Matadors are warriors who participate in Spanish bullfighting. Bullfighting, as the quintessence of Spain, has a history of several centuries or even thousands of years. In the Neolithic rock murals found in the Altamira Cave, people can see some descriptions of the struggle between man and cattle.

20 Cool Matador Tattoos You Can Copy

Source: @momentumtattoofl