30 Unique Ski Mask Tattoos Give You Inspiration

Tattoo is a very old art form, which has appeared in the primitive society. Through the use of needle, ink, color and other materials, permanent patterns are left on the skin to achieve a symbolic effect. Primitive people regard tattoo as a way of "totem worship", while modern people's tattoo is more to flaunt their own personality, highlight their charm and mystery, in order to achieve the purpose of emotional sustenance.

Now for young people, tattoos are very familiar, and there are many young people will play some special significance patterns on their own body, because they think it can play a decorative role. Of course, as a kind of body art in life, people have different opinions about tattoos. See if today's ski mask tattoo can make you feel different.

30 Unique Ski Mask Tattoos Give You Inspiration

Source: @the_inkdealer