30 Wonderful Starfish Tattoos You Must See

Starfish tattoo can be understood as love, eternal. Means always by your side. Because starfish are often adsorbed in one place, it symbolizes eternal love. Starfish also represents things that can be met but not sought, and can miss beliefs that cannot be owned, symbolizing happiness.

Starfish tattoos symbolize happiness. It is said that Andersen's daughter finally jumped into the sea and did not completely turn into a bubble. Her hair fell on the bottom of the sea, and after sea immersion for millions of years, she became a blue starfish. Starfish is waiting for the reincarnation of the princess. If it finds the princess, it will stick to her and guard her all her life until the end of her life. It will return to the bottom of the sea again and continue to wait. So starfish represents never give up waiting.

In ancient Greece, people called the purple starfish in the Athens River purple starfish, because in the ancient Greek Purple River purple starfish was a symbol of love. In ancient Greece, when you loved someone very much, you would go to the Athens River to hold the purple water of love in the Athens River, and then put the purple water in the most precious place at home to guard it all your life, This is the meaning of starfish love on the Athens River, and it is also the most symbolic memorial of love in Athens at that time.

30 Wonderful Starfish Tattoos You Must See

Source: @malditattu