20 Classy Taino Tattoos You Can Copy

Taino tattoo means history and civilization. Taino people or Taino culture are classified by some authorities as a branch of Arawak people, because they are all descendants of the same language family. Early anthropologist Daniel garrison Brinton called them "alawak people of the island", which is the word "cassava powder" in alawakan, a staple food of them. The arawacan language family is composed of languages spread throughout the Caribbean and central and South America.

For centuries, it has been widely believed that the Taino people, the indigenous people of the Caribbean, have become extinct. However, recent historians and DNA tests have confirmed some other facts: the genocide was carried out in writing, because the Taino people are no longer counted in the census, but their lineage has not disappeared. In modern society, there are still a group of people who consider themselves Taino people, and they have always believed this.

20 Classy Taino Tattoos You Can Copy

Source: @jasonbarletta